My Battle / Love-Hate Relationship with Video

If you know me, then you’ll probably know that I love photography and Photoshopping and such. I truly do love it. However, when it comes to the medium of video, I battle with video, I have a love-hate relationship with video. Back in my Making Meaning class, we had a project where we had to make a short film utilizing a given list of 5 elements: nail clippers, wing, dice, lightning, and apple. For more information on this project, see the Project Sheet below.

I did complete this project, but I hated every second of it. This was essentially a little stop-motion animation film I had to create, so I painstakingly set up each and every individual frame of the final 33-second long video. I rewatched this video I created, and I still hate it, but I got it done for the assignment. I hated working on this project, and I hate the final end product. I hate it so much that I’m not even going to show the sketched out storyboards I did OR the final video. But I wanted to talk about it because it shows how much I really hate video.

However, I have a love-hate relationship with video. And there’s one project I did that happens to be video but that I am actually very proud of. That project is my “Sequence Photography - Moving the Weasel” project. Check it out linked below.

This video project I am proud of the final end product. There were times when I did not enjoy working on the project itself, mostly because I had to edit each and every single individual photo that was going into the final product. I enjoyed editing the photos individually, but the hard part was that there were so many of them.

This is such a harsh and sharp contrast to the “What a Story” project above that I hated every moment of. Compare that to my final video for the “Sequence Photography” project that I love, and this is how I have a battle and love-hate relationship with video. I probably actually somewhat enjoyed and am proud of the “Sequence Photography” project because it was actually photography-based. It was creating a video from many photographs instead of video itself. Which I know video is essentially many, many photographs, but that’s also why I hate it. A minimum of 30 frames per second for however many seconds. It’s so much! I prefer to work in one frame at a time, one image at a time.

However much I hate working in video, I probably should do more video projects, or at least make videos for YouTube. Just like the world is going more and more digital, that digital content itself is going more and more video.

Edit / Update:

I completed another video project! I created a simple kinetic typography! See it linked below