La Vie En Rose Quote Typography

This was a project in a hand lettering class I took. The style of calligraphy I utilized was Italic. To create this, I first wrote out each individual letter I would need, using the proper pen nib and technique. Then I scanned those images in and brought them into Adobe Photoshop, where I selected each letter and cleaned up the shapes and forms a bit. Because of the quote, I knew I wanted the background to somehow be a pink rose, so I then chose an image of a rose I liked for what I wanted, and I edited it and played around with it in Photoshop to get it to where I wanted it. This editing involved changing the colors of the rose to be more pink and changing some of the background colors to be more green, among other adjustments. Next, I applied some filters to the image to get the “shapes of color” look I wanted. Then I set a light green “background” color so that I could mask out some of the rose image to be a “cloudy” mask in front of the background color. Finally, I put a bit of gaussian blur on this final image so that it wouldn’t be too distracting in the final work.
